Wait For It….

Like a really corny vaudeville joke…the punch line is coming.  And soon…if you can stand the suspense.  And even if you can’t.

As you know if you read here regularly…and fewer and fewer do…I don’t normally talk about economics.  It bores me to distraction.  And as the Dicken’s character Skimpole said “I am a child when it comes to matters of money”.  Not because, for my part, that I can’t understand it.  It just doesn’t interest me in the least…money and the usury that produces it. Too yiddish for me.

One of the oldest political tricks in the book is : create a problem, then launch the solution.  This is how I see the OWS movement.
I not only believe that it has been hijacked….I’ll go you one better…I think the occupy movement was dreamed up in its entirety by the very bankers that it was meant to bring down.  The jewish one-percent.  The movement and what it protests, is the “problem”.  For every jewish pundit has now come around to saying that these protesters really have something there.  They are right to get out on the streets.  Uh-huh.  When this happens, I have made up my mind(what there is left of it), that we are being played like a cheap fiddle.  On a roof, no less.

I would honestly wager my life(for I have come to value that quite a bit less than I used to), that very soon the JPTB via their mainstream media…are going to come up with a “solution” to the economic woes that have befallen us.  A solution that you ain’t gonna like.  It will probably have to do with one-world currency and phony taxes on the rich.  Mark my words.  And the “occupy” hipsters will fall for it hook-line-and-sinker.  It will look so good to them that they will jump at it like a drunk at a kebob. 
A one-world currency!  No more devaluing of this dollar or that yen.  Every country’s economy will balance out in the world’s market.  I can almost here the speeches now.  It is going to happen.  Take my word.  But as George Bailey warned his depositors…”Potter isn’t selling…he’s buying”.  
We already have part of this “solution” starting to be peddled by the next commander in chief.  That man from Texas that likes performing fellatio but doesn’t care for foreskins.  One of the main planks of our possible future president, Mr. Perry… besides the blatant and obligatory kissing of israhell’s ass, is a flat tax.  The same for the rich as for the poor.  Oh brother…here we go again.  And people are going to eat it up.  But it doesn’t really matter who they appoint to the WH next…the new agenda will be sold.
It will be the “solution” to our protests.  It is almost too obvious.  Almost.
I would wager that the new “World Bank” will be located in Tel Aviv…but that is just a guess.

Since this grass-roots rebellion has begun, it has had a kosher flavor to it.  That can’t be good.  When jews in this country claim that they are part of the 99%…watch out…you are being sold a bill of goods.  And what are the solutions to this economic slavery proposed by the the protestors?  I haven’t heard much about “ending the fed”.  I haven’t once seen a sign that says “abolish banking”.  I have heard a tiny few say that we should ship zionist jews out of this country…which would accomplish the above objectives…but none address the core problem.  Banking itself.  That age-old scam that enslaves the world.  None appear to want to go that far.  So few are willing to dump the entire industry.  They seem to think that it can somehow be overhauled to produce a fair economic system for which currency was originally intended…not the “make money from money” shell game that it has become.  And they think that this major overhaul can be accomplished with the same yiddish bankers in charge.  Some people are dumber than they look.  I should sell used cars…I could make a fortune.

So when your trusted leaders start talking about solutions WITHIN the existing system… and they start talking about standardizing currencies… or new fairer taxation of the rich, but refuse to address jewish usury as the rotten apple…get out the rope.  Or you are dooming your grandchildren to a life of slavery that will make today’s hell pale in comparison.

I would have you think about it.  This protest has gone from “media black-out to media circus” as Jon Leibowitz put it.  Don’t you think there is a reason for this parlay?  OWS cannot go unanswered by our government.  And it was never meant to.  O-bomb-a has already initially responded that we shouldn’t be angry at the banks because they haven’t done anything illegal.  Duh.  How much more of  a setup do you need to see?  If the banks aren’t the problem, then it must be the slightly faulty system itself that needs a bit of change…and change it will get.  From a chiefly Western scam to a world-wide rape.  The signs are posted all down this path.  Just read them on your way to hell.  The final solution is going to be provided for all your misery…just wait for it.
As I said up there before…get out the rope.  Anything else is meaningless, and playing their game.

14 thoughts on “Wait For It….

  1. I said to my wife the other day:"If so-and-so stepped into this room right now, I would kill him."I realize now, that I was softening it for her… I would actually beat him to death, dislocating a number of joints in the process.So what? Other than presenting themselves directly to me, or us, how would the deed be accomplished? Who is actually going to seek them out and hang them? I don't see myself in that role; I'm just here working the job, feeding the family… and waiting – for divine intervention actually.I ask you: who?

  2. I said to my wife the other day:"If so-and-so stepped into this room right now, I would kill him."I realize now, that I was softening it for her… I would actually beat him to death, dislocating a number of joints in the process.So what? Other than presenting themselves directly to me, or us, how would the deed be accomplished? Who is actually going to seek them out and hang them? I don't see myself in that role; I'm just here working the job, feeding the family… and waiting – for divine intervention actually.I ask you: who?

  3. Dave – In answer to your query…you.You said something telling when you said "Other than presenting themselves directly to me…" and they will. It will come to that.

  4. HI Timster, just a note on the OWS movement. Something told me it didn't look right even my knee jerk reaction to the police beating them up was the usual. Well, I found a couple of sites where the authors dug a little into the background on OWS. Turns out, Adbusters is organizing it, they are funded by Tides Foundation, which is funded by George Soros. So this whole deal is starting to look a little false. Besides, if they aren't screaming exactly to end the Federal Reserve, then they are falling into the trap laid for them by the bankers. I think you'll agree this central bank is the center of ALL the problems right now. Other psycho things have come up, including a conspiracy to have Libyan revolutionaries come to New York and shoot the police. This was to be accomplished thru the CIA. This seems as weak as the plot to assassinate a Saudi ambassador. Although someone took the time to type it up on their blog. That sounds like the gov't wanting an excuse for martial law, along with the chantng public wanting "change", and what they will get will be a one world currency issued by the same slime that's doing it now. Incidentally, I was alerted to the OWS looking a little fake by another blog, Age of Volcanoes. The author there posted a pic of the protestors on the Brooklyn Bridge confronted by the police, and pointed out, they didn't look too upset. Keep this in mind when thinking about the funding and where it is coming from. Just my suspicions. Oh yeah, Bloomberg was in Israel the other day, not sure if he is still there, I guess there's no place like home!! There, the medicine is working, an entire comment without mentioning the "tribe". Also, I knew you would probably see this OWS for what it is sooner or later, keep the bloodshot eye peeled!!

  5. I have no doubt that the OWS is owned and pushed on stage for an intended purpose. So? We have been saying for years that something, somewhere will be the catalyst for martial law. I expect that at some point a false flag event will be unveiled in the midst of it and the beginning of the end will upon us. Let it be, let it be.There will be an answer.(Liking the Age of Volcanoes blog)

  6. As you read here regularly… Fewer and fewer do… Very inte-rest-ing, shite! I must say my good man! I would like to give my take on those few words as sharp as a surgeons blade! Tel-a-viv-ing exactly what you think ain't cool, Brother Timster! You be separating your readers. On one hand you have the ones seeking the truth and on the other hand you have the ones with their heads in the sand or rather, in the air, looking for Interlactic Guidance… They be looking for a change, hum! Where have I heard that word before? Instead of "change" as in $'s we lost the future! Maybe that be the CHANGE! We as in U.S. of A. The change we GOT, is the shaft!!! Sunk deeper, now we bleed. That has been the Globalist agenda for a log time!!!Sorry, I got a mite carried away Mr. Timster. YOU KEEP ON WRITING AS YOU SEE IT, MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, PEOPLE WILL QUIT RELYING ON DIVINE GUIDANCE AND WAKE THE HELL UP… HOW CAN THESE WARS WITH BLOOD SHEDD NOT WAKE THE LIVING ZOMBIES OF REALITY UP?? KEEP WRITING, IF THE NAMSY PAMSIES CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH, THEY CAN ALWAYS WATCH THE TELE-V-TUBE!!! Heck with #'s. Truth will out!!!

  7. Anon@2:39 – Well, I think that HAS been the case…I agree. But things are changing. The police and the military are made up of Gentiles after all. The tide will turn.

  8. Anon@1:17 – Thank you for your support. But I am not bemoaning the recent lack of readers..necessarily. Quality is better than quantity, especially when it comes to adherence to such a narrow view of things that I espouse. And I DO have a high quality reader or two…such as yourself. Thanks again.

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