>Most Things Considered…


I have no partners here. I could use some help. But I probably wouldn’t utilize it even if it was offered…probably.
Although this is not a news-gathering site…opinion only…it is time consuming nonetheless. Not that I don’t love writing these open letters to those anonymous readers out there. I do. And you write back. Communication. Neat stuff.
After whining to a friend about my site not reaching enough people…or the right people…or some shit that I was whinging on about, she asked “What do you want?”. Simple enough question. In reference to my writing, I had to reply that I wanted millions of hits…millions of readers…millions of everything. But even that isn’t it. I would go on with this drivel even if no one read it and I used this blog for its word editor alone. I’m that nuts. That driven to explain my view of things. Why? What could I possibly have to say that I feel is that important for the masses to hear? Clearly, not much of substance. Not much wisdom to impart.

Just the balls to type what you think. That has always been my strong suit, or so I have been told. Unafraid of making a fool of myself. I have done. Many times. But it’s a trade-off I think.

I am everyman. We all have a conscience…well, most of us. I try to bring that to life for you. For me. I understand little in this world…but one thing I do feel I have a grasp of is the human condition. What we all need, what we all want. I understand that if you won the lottery and had millions…that you would play around with luxury for a time…then get down to the business of helping others. It is in you and I, to do this. I haven’t won the lottery,so my words are my winnings…my currency. I played with self-indulgence using these winnings, for a time…poetry, clever letters to friends and the like. Now it is time to try and help others using them.

I know that most Gentiles have at one point or another given at least a passing thought to rational anti-semitism. That is to say, how could they not? Jews wield their media power to keep themselves at the forefront of our everyday lives. People that have never even met a jew, are ready to accept or reject this controversial being, simply because of this constant exposure. They hear much about the sin of hating jews…more so than the sin of hating anyone else in the world. But a person is not stupid. Everyone knows the old lie of “well, I’ll have to run your offer by my manager”. As well as they know the lie “your check is in the mail.” They understand these oft repeated lies for what they are. And they know that if they go to purchase a car, they will inevitably hear that worn-out ruse. They don’t believe it. People understand the tale of the boy that cried wolf. They are not as foolish as the media would have them believe. And the boy cries on and on. It’s annoying to those that have no vested interest. The wolf isn’t coming to get us. We know this. We should not have to post a guard. False cries of “wolf” are like false flags…they are eventually seen for what they are. False.

There is no wolf coming to get the Gentile…the predator is out there threatening the jew however. He is the offended Muslim, the oppressed Arab, the German tired of being blamed ad infinitum for crimes he did not commit, the Frenchman sick of political correctness favouring the ashkanazi. And he is the amerikan awakening to the fact that his republic has been hijacked, with his media full of israeli propaganda. Yes, the wolf is out there… his eyes catching the light in the woods… but he isn’t looking at us. I don’t blame the judaic for being paranoid…I blame them for most everything else.

I watched “Triumph Of The Will” again last night. That is a forbidden(in case you have never heard of it) piece of celluloid that can truly bring history alive, if you watch it with an open mind. Besides the fact that it is jaw-dropping in its cinematography and direction, it gives the viewer a rare glance into the mentality of the German people of the mid 1930’s. Yes, it is propaganda from the word go. Yes, it only shows the human side of the Third Reich…but there are some things that cannot be glossed over by slick direction and editing. People’s faces and their body language. I look to the back of the crowd scenes and the speeches for these give-aways. They are there.
This was a country full of pissed-off people. A people that had been shat on for years. A populace that simply “weren’t going to take it anymore”. Of course the National Socialist movement fed on this anger…this humiliation…and stirred it. That is obvious. But I see the same body movements…the same glances…the same distrust and mind-numbing anger…in the crowds of protesters that we see all over the world today. I didn’t see that in the 60’s. I saw and participated in many, many protests then. I rallied with the best of them. There was indignance, there was hope, there was solidarity…but there was little if any blood-letting, unreasoning hatred. I see this in the crowds today, and I know where it is directed. The Middle East revolts are not about changing this regime to that one…they are about “we aren’t going to take this anymore…from the jews”. They aren’t desperately seeking Susan, OR democracy, no matter what CNN tries to tell you. They are seeking jewish blood. They have had to live under the blunt end of zionism and its minions…not the coercive softer side that we in the West labour beneath. And they have had enough.

Many out here say that we dummies in the West get all we deserve for allowing zionism to take over our lives. I disagree. That is almost biblical in its “eye-for-an-eye” mentality. It is the jewish way. Let the buyer beware. No. I won’t have it. People are generally trusting and uninterested in politics and finance. It should not in any way be on their brow to suffer punishment for not posting a lookout against those that would injure them for profit. However…I DO feel that, even though I am not a proponent of violence in any form myself…that the jew should get all he deserves from those injured. And he will. It will come home to roost…no matter how he tries to spin these revolutions that he is instigating for his own benefit…they will spin out of his control. And he will pay for past sins.
I think I am considering almost everything in this scenario. Well, most things anyway.

>It Comes Down To This…


I have been asked again…”Why are you on about jews all the time?  What possible difference could it make to you what happens in Palestine?”

I have tried to explained this here many times.  I have explained it to those that care to listen, in person.  I’ll try it again.  Although it is probably impossible to fully explain one’s self entirely, that would take a great deal of self-knowledge beforehand.  
I remember I had copied a quote down on a notebook that I carried around in high school.  The quote was a popular one in its day:  “The most revolutionary thing that you can do, is change your mind.”  That meant a lot to me.  I was caught up in the 60’s and the alternative nature of that time.  But those words kept me aware of belief systems that form foundations for our very lives, that are not questioned.  Why would they be?  You don’t rip out your foundation as you build a house. But you don’t just throw down anything as the first building blocks.  You must have something solid upon which to build.  But those words told me that the foundation dictates the shape of your house, your life-structure.  Its very nature.  And revolution, like charity…begins at home.
This is where true choice…not forced selection…must be made.  All foundations must be examined dispassionately before they are utilized to hold the weight of a life.  So what foundation did I choose?  It changed constantly for many years… I extrapolated as we all should.  “If I believe this…then I must accept that”.  These kinds of choices plagued me.  I was fortunate enough not to have a foundation, a belief system, forced upon me by family or community.  So I was free to try on different philosophies…walk around in them…see how they fit.
Common sense won out.  That is big with me. 

The humanity.  I think that sums it up.  Y’know that part of the movie that makes you catch your breath and fight back a tear.    That same tear that falls for me when I look at a Van Gogh painting, listen to a Mozart sonata, or read a Shakespearean sonnet.  The delight of a child’s laughter.

The humanity.  That connection.  That sigh of your soul that tells you we ARE all the same.  We all need the same things.  That part in you that says that you were right all along.  The news programs really were lying to you about terrorist this, and extremist that.  That feeling you understand, that lies in all of us…somewhere.  Everything else can be tweaked.  The humanity remains.

When you visualize these positive things in life and the human condition…how can you not be outraged at those that would deny them?  How can you witness multi-national corporations destroying life in the name of luxury for the few?  How can you not see who sits on the boards of all these corporations..all these war machines..all these destructive banking cartels…how can you not identify them as those that adhere to that abhorrent book, the Talmud?  It is so clear to see.
But still you ask, “So what?…Yes, perhaps an ashkanazi syndicate of sorts has gained disproportionate power in the political, financial and media sectors of our world.  Even if this is true, are you suffering personally?  Don’t you have a personal life to get on with?”
This is a point that was brought up to me recently.  Although I don’t wish to get too bogged down with describing my day-to-day existence…these are valid questions.
This journey that I am on here, IS my personal life.  It is when that foundation that I chose that has worked for me and billions of others, is threatened …that I get fighting mad.  
These foundations are made of humanity.  The inherent ability for all men to enjoy their lives freely.  It doesn’t matter what particular beliefs that anyone holds as long as their foundations are rooted in respect for their own life and the lives of others.  There is only one belief system that I have discovered that does not adhere to these principles. Judaism.
It is when I am forced…by my labor through taxes and jewish economics…to support those that would destroy all that I hold dear in mankind, that I object…violently.  When it comes down to my everyday efforts being twisted and misrepresented in the world…as if this is my wish…then I feel I must lay down a great deal of my own personal life to “take arms against a sea of troubles”.

It comes down to this.  The ruling ashkanazi has brought the world to this.  This “new world order” that they intend to procure, is nothing new.  It is the old world order with which we are all familiar.  The same denial of humanity.  The same perversion of the common sense building blocks upon which we unwashed built our homes and lives.

>This Is How It Is Done


For those international readers out there…before you choose democracy…this is what you are letting yourself in for.

I recently listened to this interview with the wife of jailed Edgar Steele. The First Amendment defense lawyer that is sometimes referred to as “The attorney for the damned” . I was not surprised at any of what she has to say. I know as an amerikan that this is how justice is always served in this country. This is sad..that I understand this. It is a comment on our society that you understand this. It’s interesting to hear however. She details how her husband was set up for a non-existent crime, by the jewish PTB.
It is an old story, but should be heard nonetheless.

In her tale she relates how the ADL was proven to have called and threatened the lives of her and their young children. And people wonder what I am on about here. Zionist jews are NOT holy people, folks…they are demonic. Her tale also relates the many attempts to set up this framing of her husband that failed and yet he is still in jail. She tells of how the perpetrators of the set-up crime, had worked with the FBI in the past and are now going to go free on a plea-bargain. She tells the listeners of the hell that this silencing of her attorney-husband has been…and yet when you read the wikipedia entry on Mr. Steele…he has ostensibly already been found guilty.

This is how justice works here. It is justice for those that can afford to fight the powerful yiddish law-machine…and prison for those that can’t.

What was Mr. Steele’s real crime? What was his transgression against the ashkanazi? He chose to speak his opinion about them. He chose to write volumes on how they have taken over this republic and turned it into a “democracy”. He is an attorney for defense of the First Amendment to our constitution…and he is being railroaded into prison because he chose to exercise these rights. You can cut the irony with a knife.
Well, when you write “It’s the jews, stupid”...you are asking for trouble in this country. I’m sure he saw it coming. Perhaps not as blatantly and as clumsily as it has…but it will serve its purpose to silence him for the rest of his life.
In her explanations in the interview, his wife rightfully explains that even if you aren’t familiar with her husband’s views, or even if you are, and disagree(even I disagree with him on some points)…it’s bigger than that. It is about the destruction of our republic’s rights that is on trial here. And they will win. Not our rights…the jews, stupid.
This is what it has come to. This is what our mob-rule democracy prescribes. Silencing those that oppose it. Threatening children is nothing to these people. Using the criminal court system to achieve their ends is what they are about. Guilt or innocence does not matter there…it never did.
Mr. Steele will lose. He lost on the day he was arrested…and we lose another voice. Even if somehow the ADL and the FBI pull out of this particular case…which isn’t likely…Ed will already have lost, and so will we. We have to face the deterrent and the precedent which is being demonstrated for us here. Don’t step out of line.

I don’t normally address issues like this here. I don’t get on bandwagons for causes. I couldn’t care less if Charley Sheen never works on jewvision again. I think Mel Gibson can take care of himself. But this case is against one of us. A writer. A blogger for the truth against the tribe. He has been missed by us all since his arrest. And although I wish him all the success in his trial and dread that final purchased verdict from a jewish-corrupted system…I feel this particular martyrdom a bit more deeply than the many that have gone before. This is an articulate writer and an intelligent warrior in our army, and that is why he was targeted. People were beginning to listen to him carefully…and “they” won’t have that.
So, donate what you can to his defense fund and remember, it is you that sits in jail there with him…it’s only a matter of time.

>I Thought…


I clearly don’t belong here. I don’t recognize much anymore. Not that I feel any loss for things that have gone by the wayside over the skipping years…it’s just that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to orient myself in this insane world.

There comes a time, I suppose when all people outlive their usefulness. When they should just move on. Old and in the way. Nothing to preserve in them.
No. I am not going to tell you that I am too old…and the world is moving too fast for me. I am not going to tell you how much better it was in the “old days”. Fuck that…it wasn’t. It sucked then. It sucks now. The world isn’t moving fast enough for me. Since…oh, around the turn of the 19th Century the world got stuck in a loop. Innovation and beauty died. Inventions were driven by popularity. Entertainment lost its wisdom. The written word and the media documents the decline…nothing more. The rest is history. History of a time when human kind was on the path of glory and got lost. We can’t even look back…our history has been so altered, and the path is now overgrown.

I look to the jew and his money. I see this ancient means of control still being used for its original purpose…to control. Why did we not get beyond this. Around the time that the Red Shield was hung outside the money-changers hell-hole, we began the decline back to the grunt and sweat for tribal leaders. We have been coerced into trading all that we are as humans for the paper that is jewish. We measure our personal worth by it. We live and die for it. The world will never change while it is around.

You may find these observations a bit pedestrian. A bit too simple. The Bernankes of the world would have you believe the opposite. That life really IS about this intrinsically worthless paper. That it is a measuring stick for your value in this one-and-only life of yours. It SHOULD intervene in all that is human and honest and good. It should break up families. It should separate us in nations. It should be ‘life-interuptus’. That there is nothing of value outside its influence. I beg to differ. I would go as far to say that there is nothing of value under its influence. It does not drive innovation or creativity. It destroys it. It does not foster beauty. It mars it. It does not exalt, it cheapens.

Well…we are stuck with it. Or so they would have you believe. Now we are bent on world-currency. A more universal and balanced slave trade.

As a kid, money to me was a game. Something fun for a while. Save your allowance and go to the movies on Saturday. Save it for the whole winter and buy a new bike in the spring. Just silliness. It never really got beyond that for me. It’s still the same. Saving wages to buy toys. Giving back most of it to the parental figure of the bank. It’s a simple game to play. Work is just life. Not something that to me, was ever within the sphere of economics. Until I lost a job. Then it hit hard. You know the routine. The lack of this paper can affect your very self-worth. You begin to question your value…you see yourself declining in the eyes of your family and friends. All for want of money. Then it is no longer a game. It is an instrument of torture. That is the nature of this paper and how the judaic wish it to be.
You see it all around you. People are desperate for it. It is a drug, and the peddlers of it are allowed in a school zone.
How have they brought us to this? Ages of conditioning. Centuries of our listening to them and not to the wise among us.

I know. At some point…probably from the beginning of this article, you will dismiss these thoughts as sophomoric at best. A childish rumination on the state of the world. And I do simplify for the sake of clarity. I admit this. I could go on for thousands of words about how the judaic produce nothing of value to this world and you will think that I have deep-seated prejudices and hatred for a group of humans…nothing more. It goes deeper than this but admittedly I do want you to hate with me. Hate a belief system that enslaves you. Hate what it has brought to our lives. Your life.
We all know that we can cure the common cold. We all know that disease can be discarded into our dark history. We all know that automobiles can be electric and driven by satellite. We all know that their tires can be made to last the mechanical life of these cars. We all understand the concept of designed obsolescence. We all know that mag-lev trains can carry us to any destination on our planet for free. We all know we can end world hunger. We all understand our capabilities. We all envision the heights to which we can scale in this human existence together. But we all also understand that these things will not happen until and unless the jew is paid. He knows this too. His mind is in the fictional biblical world of the Middle East. His mind is still in the usury charged in the temple. His mind is still counting gold coins to purchase the filth that his religion esteems. The child-sex, the drugs, the wars, the diamonds, the vanity…on and on…the worst that our species can achieve.
And we allow this to go on. We are bullied by his paper.

As I said up at the top, I clearly don’t belong here. I thought it would be different. I thought it would get better.